Fiscalità Internazionale e Europea

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Si prega confermare la presenza entro le ore 12,00 di lunedì 22 novembre 2021

CFE’s Tax Top 5 – 15 NOVEMBER 2021

BRUSSELS | 15 NOVEMBER 2021 European Parliament Adopts Public Country-by-Country Reporting Legislation The European Parliament has now adopted legislation introducing public country-by-country reporting obligations for multinationals to declare the amount of tax paid in EU Member States. Under the legislation, multinationals and their subsidiaries which have an annual revenue over €750 million and are active in more than one EU [...]

CFE’s Tax Top 5 – 8 NOVEMBER 2021

BRUSSELS | 8 NOVEMBER 2021 World Leaders Endorse Global Tax Deal Following the agreement on global minimum corporate tax and the partial reallocation of profit to market countries, endorsed on 8 October by G20 Finance Ministers, the G20 political leaders issued a political declaration setting out their commitment to implement the deal as agreed with the OECD-endorsed timeline. The leaders [...]

CFE’s Global Tax Top 10 – November 2021

BRUSSELS | NOVEMBER 2021 US House Approves Minimum Corporate Tax Legislation In November, the Unites States House of Representatives approved President Biden’s Build Back Better Act (H.R. 5376), a comprehensive legislation which also includes provisions relating to the OECD global tax agreement. The bill was passed with a narrow margin in favour (220-213), with Representatives voting [...]

CFE’s Tax Top 5 – 25 OCTOBER 2021

BRUSSELS | 25 OCTOBER 2021 US, UK & EU Countries Agree Transitional Repeal of Unilateral Digital Taxes Following the agreement reached by 136 jurisdictions on global minimum corporate tax and the partial reallocation of profit to market countries, endorsed last week by G20 Finance Ministers, Austria, France, Italy, Spain and the United Kingdom have now [...]

LE SANZIONI TRIBUTARIE – Riflessioni e Proposte

La partecipazione al Convegno è gratuita. Nella Sala potrà accedere solo un numero limitato di persone – obbligatoriamente munite di green-pass da esibire a richiesta nel rispetto delle norme anti-Covid-19 – e che verranno individuate dalla Segreteria Organizzativa (cfr., Scheda di adesione).
Il Convegno sarà accreditato sia dall’Ordine dei dottori commercialisti ed esperti contabili di Udine, sia dall’Ordine degli Avvocati di Udine.
Per maggiori informazioni e per le modalità d’iscrizione si rinvia al sito: alla Sezione “eventi”.

CFE’s Tax Top 5 -18 OCTOBER 2021

BRUSSELS | 18 OCTOBER 2021 G20 Endorse International Taxation Agreement On 13 October, G20 Finance Ministers endorsed the agreement reached by 136 jurisdictions on global minimum tax and partial reallocation of profit to market countries, stating in its Communique that “This agreement will establish a more stable and fairer international tax system. We call on the OECD/G20 Inclusive Framework on BEPS [...]