ECOFIN Agenda: Global Minimum Corporate Tax & Carbon Border Adjustment Mechanis
Finance Ministers will meet on 15 March at the next Council of the EU’s Economic and Financial Affairs Council meeting. At the meeting, finance and economic ministers will primarily focus on the EU directive on the implementation of the OECD Pillar 2 minimum corporate income tax for multinational corporations, as well as on the EU Carbon Border Adjustment Mechanism.
Ministers will also review the conclusions on the 2023 budgets, economic governance, export credits, amongst other matters. More information is available here.
Save the Date: CFE Forum 2022 on 12 May 2022 in Brussels
CFE Tax Advisers Europe’s 2022 Forum will be held on 12 May 2022 in Brussels on the topic of “The Future of Holding Companies & VAT Grouping in the Current Tax Policy Climate”. The conference will examine issues surrounding the European Commission’s Unshell Proposal and how policy developments affect the use of holding companies and VAT groups across tax structures.
Speakers from a wide range of stakeholder perspectives will examine issues raised by the Commission’s proposal, legitimate uses of holding companies, and problems with the divergence in approaches throughout the EU on VAT grouping.
More details about the programme, line-up of speakers and registration for the event is available here.
OECD Transfer Pricing Country Profiles Updated
The OECD has published its 3rd batch of the 2021/2022 updated transfer pricing profiles, covering 28 jurisdictions. The profiles were updated for Brazil, Canada, Chile, China, Croatia, Dominican Republic, Estonia, Finland, Greece, Hungary, Israel, Korea, Liechtenstein, Lithuania, Luxembourg, Malta, Panama, Portugal, Slovenia, the United Kingdom, Uruguay and the United States, and 6 new country profiles were added for Honduras, Iceland, Jamaica, Papua New Guinea, Senegal and Ukraine. 91 jurisdictions have now been covered in the transfer pricing country profiles.
The profiles set out “information on countries’ legislations and practices regarding the transfer pricing aspects of financial transactions and the application of the Authorised OECD Approach (AOA) on the attribution of profits to permanent establishments. In addition, the country profiles reflect updated information on a number of transfer pricing aspects such as methods, comparability, intra-group services, cost contribution agreements, transfer pricing documentation and administrative approaches to prevent and resolve disputes”.
The first and second batches of the updated profiles were published in August and December 2021, respectively.
Applications Open: CFE Tax Advisers Europe’s 2021 Albert J. Raedler Medal Award
Submissions are now invited for CFE’s 2021 Albert J. Rädler Medal Award. The award was established in 2013 in order to encourage and reward academic excellence in European taxation, as well as to recognise Professor Albert J. Rädler’s esteemed contribution to the field of taxation within Europe. In order to be eligible to apply, an applicant must have completed a Master’s thesis in European taxation which received a distinction in the relevant calendar year, and be 30 years or under on the 31st December of that relevant year. The thesis should be written in English or, in the alternative, an English translation must be provided.
The successful applicant will be awarded with the medal at an Award Ceremony which will take place at the CFE Forum on 12 May 2022 in Brussels, Belgium. In addition to the Albert J. Rädler medal itself, the recipient will be offered travel costs in order to attend the 2022 CFE Forum, as well as a selection of premium technical literature from our partner IBFD.
Please send the applications until 18 March 2022 to the attention of Ms. Karima Baakil via email at: info@taxadviserseurope.org.
OECD Tax & Gender Webinar: 14 March 2022
On 14 March 2022, from 10:30 to 11:15 CET, the OECD will host a virtual event on tax and gender, entitled “Breaking the tax bias: Promoting gender equality in taxation”. The webinar will examine ways in which tax policy can assist in achieving gender equality and inclusive economies in which women can fully participate.
The event will also build on and examine the OECD report issued last month, Tax Policy on Gender Equality: A Stocktake of Country Approaches, which draws upon input from 43 countries on the issue of gender and tax policy design, and explores the extent to which countries consider and address gender equality in tax policy development and tax administration.
Registration and further information is available here.
The selection of the remitted material has been prepared by:
Piergiorgio Valente/ Aleksandar Ivanovski/ Brodie McIntosh/ Filipa Correia